


The art that moved me most of M.F. Hussian is the triptych titled Hindu Triad. The piercing reds of the Hindu Triad explains the creation of the world through Hindu deities; Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the preserver) and Mahesh (the destroyer, otherwise known as Shiva). In the guide Husain’s handwriting can be read: “The creator Brahma who visualized the concept of Universe. And with a bang it appeared physically in the infinite space. Then arrives, Vishnu to protect and preserve. Nature is in constant change. And the great forces to restructure the Universe, a giant destroyer the Mahesh appears; who could control the world breaking into pieces…” The poetic visual language Husain utilized in this triptych is truly overwhelming; one has to view it to appreciate it.


A unifying sense of existence is seen in this triptychs, even when they involve opposing ideologies, schools of thought and paradoxical memories. Husain was a painter of tumultuous times and a man of silent integrity, one who wove together religious and symbolic iconography with historic figures and events as well as Indian traditions.

The richness in culture, religion and historical is depicted in this art. It shows the great history of India and its culture. It also shows how the Hindu religion started and how it symbolizes it. Bernadine Waltes wrote an article on deadcurous.com stating about M.F. Husian triptych titled Hindu Triad that You get a true emotion from each and every one of canvases, the vibrancy and life, they communicate quit an aggressiveness;  if we had the chance to meet the artist I believe he would have had a hugely intense mind. It is clear to me if I look a the above piece that in the first part the hues are soft and happy and bright pink, lime green, powder blue then moves on to the grey, red, olive green and fierce orange, lastly the almost entirely gold that looks beige in the electronic version. It would seem; as time moves on and progress was made the colours washed away. This was the exact feeling I got when viewing his artwork and his exhibition.


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