
Nicolo helped us to photograph our speed toil.

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Below are the photograph of my toil from different angle.

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To start my poster design first I choose 3 photograph of my toil from different angle to look at and get inspiration. As you can see above.

Among those 3 picture I liked the one from side view. It has curves and it looks unique. So I decided to use that Image for my poster design. After choosing the image I rotate the image in different direction to see from different view.






I wanted to create a simple but effective poster. I also wanted when people see my poster they can understand that it’s a collaboration of fashion and architecture.

First I started with 2 meter. When I look at the shape of my toil it look like a structural garment. So I used photoshop to create my design. I placed my toil on top of the model with a hat. Then I erased the toil to show the model face. When I used 2 of those image it look little stiff. I wanted to add more movement so I added the hand from another photograph using photoshop.



Finally came up with this. I really like this because it look actual garment and it look structural which can represent architecture.


For 20 meter I created a submarine. Below are the images that I used to create my submarine.



For 200 meter I wanted to create a design museum.




To design something there are no boundaries. We can create much more smaller than 2 meter and larger than 200 meter. When I rotated the shape it look interesting and can be used for accessorise. So I made a headband.



To create my poster my class sessions helped me a lot. As you can see It gave me an idea what to create for my poster design. Glass office building that I made in my class gave me an idea to make fancy glass fashion museum. 20 meter swimming pool gave me an idea to make submarine where we can go underwater and see all kinds of fishes. Finally 2 meter flower garment gave me an idea to make it into structural garment. You can also see the connection from fashion to architecture.  Now I have to put all this in one page to make a poster.

My final poster

I am happy with my final poster because it came out the way I wanted. It’s simple and effective to the unit.



We had a exhibition on 5th of May 2015 it was called Raw. We all fashion and architecture students worked as a team to set up the exhibition. I think it went quite smoothly. Lots of our friends and teachers took their time out to come and see our exhibition. Over all it was a successful exhibition.

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To conclude all, this is a good idea to bring fashion and architectural together. I got to meet architectural students and got to see how they work. As a fashion design student I used to see things only human size but after this I started to look at things in different scales. I understand that to create something amazing you have to think outside the box and crazier the idea more unique it can become. Overall I was quite happy with this unit. It would have been more better if we could use and learn more architectural skills and create 3D sculpture or garment together with architectural students. Also we can take those technique and use it in fashion.

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